Does Your Medical Office Need Professional Cleaning in Plano Tx?

Cleanliness is of utmost importance for people who are responsible for managing a medical facility.

When you ensure a particular standard of cleanliness in your medical office you put the health and safety needs of your patients on top.

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What’s include in Medical Office cleaning services in Plano Tx

  • Ceiling fans and light fixtures (dusted)
  • Blinds and window sills (dusted)
  • Moldings and woodwork (dusted)
  • Baseboards (dusted)
  • Dust (everything)
  • Clean kitchen appliances out side
  • Clean out cabinets
  • Clean sinks & countertops
  • Scrub toilets
  • Scrub shower & bathtub
  • Wipe down baseboards
  • Vacuum and sweep all floors

Jericho Cleaning Service in Plano Tx. can complete the job. For a detail cleaning, then we can do that.

Jericho Cleaning Service will do a detail cleaning for your office, then we can come out weekly or bi-weekly and keep it clean for you.

According to Centers for Disease Control, approximately 1.7 million patients in the United States alone suffer from some type of infection that they have picked up during their time in a medical facility.

Therefore, there are certain health code standards that have been put in place to make sure that each medical facility operates as per the highest health and safety standards.

your workplace such as in Plano Tx.

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Your Medical Office need title and grout cleaning?

Cleaning tile floors by hand is hard work. It’s impossible to get the deep-clean results that come with professional grout and tile cleaner.

Regular mopping and spot cleaning don’t reach the hidden dirt that lies deep within the pores of your grout lines. Our professional tile and grout cleaning service restores the beauty to your floors.We provide the following services:

Commercial Floor Cleaning Services in Plano Tx.

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